When things get complicated, you have to bring out your character and put more wood on the fire.

Ricky Rubio

I got up at 5. I thought I might add wood to the fire. It looked like it was out. I added wood then I added more wood, then more. I must have been half asleep. Somewhere in my mind I figured that the wet wood would bake and be easier to start later. I filled the woodstove full.

6:30 AM

I could feel heat and see light in the fire room. I knew what happened. The fire had ignited and was wide open.

I went to close it down. It was red hot. I thought what a great time to boil a kettle.

While I was standing in front of the fire smoke started coming from my bathrobe, it was ready to ignite. I quickly stepped away from the fire.

The kettle boiled in a few minutes. No waiting. The bad part I used way too much wood. I would need to go get more later. That wood should have lasted till the next morning.

I discovered more badnews. My goopy woodstove cement patch meant to get me to spring, failed. The extra heat must have loosened it. It revealed a small hole in the chimney that might get bigger.

It might fill the house with toxic smoke or it might not. It was something I didn’t want repair in the dark.

I wouldn’t be sleeping the rest of the morning. Time for Castle reruns. To be clear I don’t like Fillion, but I don’t confuse that with the character he plays. I like Castle.

Ok I fell asleep and it’s after 9 AM. Cats got fed, I went out twice to get more wood. Three times if you count me going back out to retrieve my phone which fell in the snow.

Certainly cold out there. I will check the weather chanels. BRB

They seem to agree -25. It was cold enough to take my breath away, but that isn’t that hard these days.

I feel a little lost my morning routine is already done. I do have to repair the chimney. I don’t think it will warm up enough or the gen today anyways.

Chimney repaired. For fun I tried to run the dying generator.  It died before plugging anything in. Then it wouldn’t start.

A warning the following song is an earworm. Google that before you play it.