How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child!

William Shakespeare

Breathing was difficult last night. My chest felt like it was stuffed with cotton.

The morning chores are mostly done.

Cats fed & watered, boards sawn, kindling made, fire started. Kettle filled for coffee waiting for boil.

I will have to go out and dig for wood later but not right now. I am here in the present moment petting cats and getting warm.

Soon I will gas up the gen and fire the beast up. It does suck down 3 and a half liters of gas every 5 hours at idle. Twice as much as the previous model. This one has more than twice as much power.

I hope more reliable.

I just tried my new electric toothbrush. OMG almost had a mouthgasm. I am hoping the powertool will keep me brushing teeth. I often forget things unless they are right in front of my face.

I am off to different worlds aboard the Normandy.

Just finished gathering wood and sawing boards out of breath again.