There’s something so empowering about knowing I can pick up an axe and split a piece of wood.

Rain Dove

10:17 AM thats when the crackle started.

First came gathering wood till I couldn’t feel my fingers, digging, chopping, and hitting with an old splitting maul to find wood buried deep in snow.

Then sawing what I brought in, no kindling today. Straight to fire. Kettle is on, with snow.

Cats bowls are filled and on the woodstove. I was huffing and puffing.

It was going to be awhile before I had hotwater for coffee or water for the cats. That gave me time to ramble on in here.

There was another terrible event going on, an earworm, a song that plays over and over in your head.

Thinking of words for here distracted my mind enough to drown out most of the music.

I needed to take one more trip outside to gather more wood. It was getting very scarce out there.

I made that third trip out and dug some more. Found a hidden stash of siding and paneling boards.

With that and what I found earlier, I would have enough for tonight and the morning.

Just poured that first coffee, and had my oatmeal with fresh squeezed  lemon and orange juice.

After finishing my coffee it would be time for the gen.


Now it’s your earworm.