Every man has his follies – and often they are the most interesting thing he has got.

Josh Billings

Well that was interesting. My useless blue bic barbecue lighter was gone. It didn’t light anyways. I am sure that even Aesop would agree.

I used it to light my non spark propane torch. No spark, no fire, no hot water for coffee, no heat to melt snow, no heat for the house.

My propane torch head, the one with a igniter didn’t fire. It had become clogged with cat sawdust. I had tried fixing that a few times, no luck.

On the floor beside me was a long thin splinter of wood. Hmmmmn, might work.
I retrieved the propane head, and for fun tried to see if there was a spark. You know the answer.

I spent the next 15 minutes, digging and poking that long splinter of wood down the shaft, making sure to tap and empty the sawdust.

After I was satisfied that I had done all I could do. I screwed the head onto the propane bottle without trying the sparker. I had faith it would go, and it did. I had flame. The fire was started.

It goes without saying, even though I am saying it anyways. I had already sawen the boards that I had brought in yesterday. Then stacked and shoved them all inside the woodstove.

With the fire lit it was time to go outside, I needed snow, and of course wood. It was -25 outside.

All that was done. With the door locked down, it was time to fill the kettle with snow.
Just as I was finishing I could smell something on fire. It was me, the old robe got too close and melted and was seconds from igniting. Yes I was wearing it.

Like I said interestimg morning. I would need to order another.