Pizza makes me think that anything is possible.

Henry Rollins

Starting the fire today just wasn’t working. I just had to throw the floor sweepings on top of the paper and cardboard. Putting the fire out.

Three times I had to reload cardboard. Hopefully 3 is a charm.

Wood situation again is dire.  I had enough for another small load. I would have to make the trek out in the deep snow and chip more wood out of the ice.

Maybe after coffee. It I can get the fire to light.

I was hoping to wash my hair today but I can’t do that and go outside. It was still -15 befote windchill.

So get wood, fill and start the gen, then wash my hair. Then kill cult leaders.

My day was planned. Oh except snow gathering. I still had to do that with wet hair.

None of that happened. I had this nagging thought about a pizza. I kept thinking  I had bought a pizza a week ago and left it in the pantry. Nah  I was sure that was some other pizza. Yet the thought lingered.

So I got up to check. OMG!!! There it was a garlic and cheese pizza.  We just finished a week of extreme cold. In the kitchen water was feezing inside the kettle. I opened the box the pizza was okay no sign of any thing furry.

I grabbed everything I needed, oil,  cast iron frying pan, cheese and pizza. I unpacked everything, oiled the pan, put the pizza in, piled way too much cheese on top, fed the rest to me and the cats and sat in front of the fire guarding the pizza till it was done.

After the entire pizza was eaten I fell asleep for three hours. It was too late in the day for gen or video games. I did clean up in the fire room. I loaded all the wood I had left inside. I needed to make that trip to the outside to find more wood. Winter wasn’t over here. There was fresh snow  and a lot more coming Monday.

I made the trip outside. I found two more 12 foot 2 inch x 12 inch boards. They were big and heavy. I moved one into the garage.

That is as far as I could drag the heavy board. In the morning I would be cutting that in half mid air, carrying half inside to cut into smaller pieces to be chopped into kindling to start the morning fire.

Tonight that just wasn’t possible, too fatiqued and winded.  I hoped I would just be able to make my morning coffee. After it all was after 6 PM.