Every day, I like to wake up and remind myself to be grateful of the simple things.

Miranda Kerr

 I am writing this the night before to remind me of the things I need to do this morning.

Rod you need to cut the the 2x12x14 foot into two pieces. It’s in the garage. Then carry that into the fireroom. Saw that into 16 inch pieces. Chop those into kindling. Contsruct a fire and light it.

Now feed the cats, go outside gather snow.

If you are not too tired, break the other 2x12x14 foot board out of the ice and carry that inside. Cut that in half.

Carry the three 7 foot pieces into the fireroom. You need to have the front of the van clear.

Don’t change the oil in the gen yet new oil is coming.

Take some time for yourself it’s Sunday. Video game day.

Mar 12
14 foot 2 inch x 12 inch board cut in half, carried into fire room, sawn into smaller pieces, split into kindling, fire constructed, lit, cats fed going for snow gather soon, just needed to catch my breath.

I am not sure the fire is going to light, but I do hear a crackle here and there.

Looks sunny out there, that might mean cold. I will let you know.

Nope it’s warm, at least warmer than it has been. Snow gathered and the fire did light, although burning very slow.

I will need to cut more wood. Make more kindling, carry more gigantic heavy boards from outside.

Then do it all again the very next day.

I need a bigger saw.

Nothing to do now but wait, except cut more boards hahaha.

First coffee, vitamins and breakfast coming  next.  After that has been consumed,  time for the gen.

I should change the oil, but I told myself not to.  I will check the delivery date of the new oil and decide then.

Recorded the day I was born.

The John Wayne words that inspired the song.