I got this powdered water – now I don’t know what to add.

Steven Wright

Do you know what you get when saw then split a wet heavy board?

A lot of wet heavy pieces. I loaded the fire with all those pieces along with all the dry garbage I could find.

Then hoped it would all light. Second try took a couple of dry catfood bags rolled up.

They burned and for a second I heard crackling. Do I think the fire will light?

Maybe. I would go out and gather snow anyways, the gen would get filled and started. It is sunny out there but one of my solar panels has a fault and it is causing low output. That was a summer or spring job diagnosing that.

We are having a false spring, warm during the day cold at night.  During the day snow melts a little then at night freezes to ice.

I have been through this before. Pretty soon I might have to chop through a layer of ice to gather snow.

The driveway and side roads will become an icy sheet. Usually not passable. I have a driveway with an incline and  mile and a half to get to pavement.

I went out to gather snow. It was all good till I came in. I tripped on something and spilled water.