Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The things that needed doing got done. Gathered firewood, fed cats, boards were sawn, kindling made, fire lit.

Not sure if the fire will stay lit. The ice I was expecting, melted over the boards. I sawed them and split them smaller like I said, and put them in the fire. If nothing else. The ice might melt and the boards might dry a bit.

The kettle is on just in case the fire lights. I have already been down to fill two gas cans for the gen. It is video game Sunday, although truth is I have been playing all week.

Todays game is Witcher 3. I learned to not do the events in order so I could build my character and weapons. I also learned hack slash runaway save and hack some more till the level 26 monstor is killed. I am at level 13.

I gave up on the fire no hot water for coffee. I noticed the cats bowl was empty so I gave them my kettle full.

I am off to kill monsters.