We do our chores when chores are needed to be done.

Ray J

The morning chores are done. Cats fed and watered, fire constructed and lit, kettle on, snow gathered.

My appendicitus attack or hernia, seems less today. Maybe cause I ate a bunch of honey or I got to rest.

I prefered the hernia diagnosis. Traveling in for surgery in winter, just not a great plan for me.

I did lift very heavy litterboxes yesterday, but the weird part is there was no pain all day. Then sharp pains to the lower right abdomen at night.

I had the pain this morning but it was less. I will still eat a bunch of honey. Honey is a natural antibiotic.

Whatever caused the pain I will keep watch today.

I will also try to refrain from lifting anything heavy. Except the gen, maybe. Oh and the snowbowl which I didn’t fill to capacity this morning when I took the pictures.