Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

George Santayana

I decided If I had a forgotten pizza in the cupboard. I would light a fire. No way, I already ate that. Huh!!! There it was a veggie pizza.

To have a fire you need wood, but before that cats needed feeding and watering. They needed more food brought up. Did that. Fed them ,got water. Did that too.

I had some old 2×4 salvage on the back deck. So I went up to get them.

Three ice encrusted 8 foot 2×4 that were built into a trailer wall in 1976. No exaggeration.

They were covered with a huge amount of staples, screws, nail, metal plates and worse.

Cut and re-cut

Cutting them was one adventure, trying to pick spots where there was no metal to cut through and failing.

Splitting those into kindling another adventure. The screws were holding the boards together.

After a few of those were done I opened the woodstove door. It was already filled with a failed fire attempt from days ago.

Now it would be a challenge.

Pete and Repeat tried to light a fire. Pete left the room, who was left.


Pete and Repeat tried to light a fire. Pete left the room, who was left.


And so it went. Add carboard light it. Watch it go out. Fill the wood stove with more cardboard and light it again.

Finally it caught. The oiled cast iron pan on top was starting to heat up. Yes I did fill the kettle and it is up there too.

I opened the pizza, put it in the pan tasted a bit of cheese, it didn’t taste like a penicillin experiment. So I added more mozzerella. It was the best way to know if it was cooked. When the extra cheese melted, the pizza was cooked.

Not yet!!!

While I was waiting I was thinking about the gen next. It was out of fuel, and there were two empty fuel cans upstairs, and worse the filling station needed a new 5 gallon can put up.  That suddenly became an after I eat pizza and have coffee task.  Yennefer, Geralt, and Triss would have to wait.

Pizza was good, had cold coffee and vitamins. Hot coffee later maybe, the thermos was full of boiling water. Now I am off to see the generator.