It’s always the small people who change things. It’s never the politicians or the big guys. I mean, who pulled down the Berlin wall? It was all the people in the streets. The specialists didn’t have a clue the day before.

Luc Besson

Todays work, after feeding, watering the cats and carrying out 400 pounds of wet cat litter and dumping it. Finish a bedroom wall.

I wanted to add a usb/12 volt panel to the wall and maybe even wire it to 12 volts today.

I also needed to assemble a table with shelves all working in a very tight space.

I estimate 3 days at my current level of pain and energy. Before the last car accident it would have taken me 3 or 4 hours.

Cats were fed and watered. I used one of the heavy water jugs I bought yesterday. The big litter box was taken outside and emptied.

I didn’t want to start a fire today if I could help it. Working in a tight space with too much heat work make things impossible.

I am resting again, the big litter box had wood pellets added. BTW the reason it is so heavy is, I empty the other litter boxes into it to save trips outside.

Time to do breakfast, cold coffee and vitamins. I am not really a health nut, I am checking to see if some of the symptoms I am having are mineral or vitamin defficiencies.

I am not convinced that is the main problem, but may be a contributing factor. Wow sounds like politician speak.

It is mildly snowing outside. I just read a forecast that says we will have 30 cm by Monday night.

Winter always ends, just not when we want it to.


In 1785 Robert Burns wrote:

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

Today I wouldn’t get to do work on my wall. My drill is sitting in a bag of rice. I knocked it into cats bowl.

I took a snow day but didn’t see much snow.