No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.

Hal Borland

The pain today is less, that means it’s a 5 instead of 7. Right at this very moment I only feel pain in one place, my throat. That is mostly because I am sitting still in front of the fire.

Just finished feeding and watering cats. The fire is started. Oh no, I had a pizza thought. No I didn’t forget I had one. I just realized my firewood is so low I may not have many more fires.

Here we go again, oil, pan, pizza and cheese.BRB.

The pizza is on. I buy the cheapest pizza on the planet as evidenced by the before and after adding cheese photos.

Oil my cast iron frying pan, peel the shrink wrap off the pizza, then put that in the pan then on to the woodstove.

Twenty minutes or so later, depending on how hot the stove is I get cooked pizza.

During that time I write, or cleanup or both.


After adding more cheese.

Winter seems to be desparatly hanging. We had snow but it didn’t stick. There is more in the forecast for Saturday. At first report it was supposed to be 25 Cm. The forecasters have calmed that down to 6 cm.

It is mostly the cold that concerns me. Every passing week the temperatures are heading to higher temps.

In May we might even see double digits, most of April the forecasts say daytime temps in the positives.

Thats all I need for now.

The pizza near killed me. Knocked me out cold. I did some research and it seems celiac disease maybe behind it.

I spent the day in bed, suffering. At 6 PM I managed to work on my wall. I did a terrible job cutting the window opening but it got done. The area I had to work in was very small. There was also the matter of the large chair in the middle.

After looking around I realized the table I bought was going to be huge in that small space. I will make it work.

As for the celiac problem. I avoid gluten for the rest of my life. I will miss the pizza.

I just read there is gluten free pizza dough mix. I found some on Amazon. Ya I needed kitchen counters first.

It is late evening now I feel better, just made yogurt with, lemon juice, honey and cereal. It just happens the cereal I bought is gluten free.