We build statues out of snow, and weep to see them melt.

Walter Scott

Been a few days. No wordy explanation. It was what it was.

I just finished watching Castle I think for the first time, really 3rd time, but it felt like the first.

I am heating water to wash up, needs doing. My hair and face are a little dirty from all the cleaning up I have been doing.

Water is on the wood stove for the kettle and cleaning. The fire is lit.

Soon I go see if my CT scan reveals if some of the tumors in my body are getting worse or better. I already know the answer.

Oil is draining from the gen for an oil change. I doubt their instructions are correct for refilling. Today I will add less to see if the level works out.

If I add the amount they say, I can never get the right reading from the dipstick. Oil always pours out as soon as I try to read it.

That happens when it’s cold. Today I will add 300 ml instead of 600 ml and do a cold reading to see what happens.

Sweeping, shoveling, and cat boxes done, including getting a new bag of pellets from the van.

That’s when I noticed a new roof leak. Always happens this time of year. Ice gets under the roofing, then freezes and thaws over and over, lifting the roofing.

It seems in different places every year. By Thursday, it will be plus 8 which should melt the rest of the ice and snow.

Then that brings the muddy roads. So bad, some years, trucks that shouldn’t be there sink up to the body pans.

I try to stay home as much as I can during that period.
