Isn’t an agnostic just an atheist without balls?

Stephen Colbert

I made the trip into town. I am at the laundry mat. I haven’t been here in awhile. I did 5 loads and even dried them mostly.

Last time I came a woman suddenly redistributed her loads in the dryers so that machine was full. I am sure she did it out of spite. Nasty woman. It is why I like living away from people. I still get assholes where I live but they are fewer.

Especialy since the rev up and run bubblegum bandit got kicked off his girlfriends land next door.

It has beem a lot quieter beside the one asshole firing a gun near my house but ran away when I had a look.

The phsyco ex wife breaking in and stealing trinkets. What a sad human being. A walking bag of hate and bile. Karma is coming for you.

Later today I have a doctors appointment. Poor doctor he had to sit through all the theories and ideas I had about my health.

He sent me off with a paper with a slew of tests. I thought I better stop by the lab to see if there were any instructions. I went home with a lot of containers  because they need my poo. I also have to get my kidneys, testicles and prostate scanned with ultrasound.

That poor technician gotta scan an old man’s balls.

I gassed up the van, and even washed it. Then tried to stop by and have my meat free burger. They were closed. I went over to Timmy’s and ordered a couple of veggie wraps instead. Then left town.

I picked up freight on the way home, a shit ton, picked up a few things at the hardware store and came home. I did way too much.

My back was screaming,  stop go lay down. I couldn’t, groceries needed carrying inside. Soon to be unpacked, soon as I rest a bit.

I was home, and laying down. Groceries and laundry in bags on the floor. Me in terrible pain in my bed covered in cats.