One swallow does not make a summer, but one skein of geese, cleaving the murk of March thaw, is the Spring.

Aldo Leopold


The geese are back. I said hello as they flew fifty feet above me. I welcome them. They represent the return of spring here.

Ya, I know the melting snow, longer days, and warmer temps should have been a clue.

Seeing the geese is awesome, soon joined by the millions of other birds that fly through here in spring and fall.

I just got back from the village, picked up freight, and came home.

I will spend the rest of the day resting. It is sunny out, but my solar panels are not producing much. I need to go out to find one or more panels that are dead.

I am sure that is a 3-hour job. If the weather is good tomorrow, I may attempt that then.