Feed cats, water cats. Heat water. Have a bath. No bathtub. Fix the tires on the van. Empty lots of big heavy boxes from the van, cat food. Travel to town. Get labs done blood test, poop test, urine test, then get an ultrasound done. Two of those. Then get groceries. Fill gas cans for the generator. Travel to the village, and get freight. I am already tired just thinking about it. Then drive home and collapse. Oh empty and unpack groceries, and feed the cats again. That is a big day for me.

That is a message I sent out this morning. I am sitting in a parking lot having a coffee.

On my way for blood tests. Then ultrasound. Did my blood test, then I was asked to do a urine sample, problem was I needed my bladder full.

That was a problem later at the ultrasound. My bladder was supposed to be full. So I am out in my van drinking water.

The nice ultrasound lady allowed me to come back and try again.

If my bladder isn’t full, my stomach is. I do feel the need to pee.

I could point fingers at the tiny pinay Labtec that should have done the urine sample on the last visit when it should have been done.

The same with stool collection and instructions. I got handed a paint can and instructions the second time.

The truth is, I sympathize. When I arrived from Brasil I only learned Portuguese, no English. I learned English in Grade One. Then I taught my mother and helped her through the citizenship requirements. That gave me my Canadian citizenship when I was ten during Canada Centennial.

This allowed me to serve in the Canadian Navy 13 years later.

I was proud to serve during the last Cold War. The last time Russia was stupid, like now.

I even got to capture a communist mole that had become part of the Navy. Then there was the time we trapped a Russian Submarine in shallow waters. It was forced to surface and yes we mooned the Russians.

They were in between Vancouver Island and the Mainland illegally.
We caught them and escorted them out to international waters.

Well, I got my ultrasounds done, filled 3 gas cans, stopped for freight, and came home. After unpacking groceries, rest under the warm blankets.