A nerd can call another nerd a nerd.

Travis Scott

Yesterday I went full computer nerd. I had a flight going on the Xbox while I was downloading, updating and fixing programs on my laptop, while I was watching a movie on my tablet, and oh yeah answering messages on my phone. All at the same time. Crazy

I flew From home to Alaska in a DC3, updating my Linux to the newest version, fixed a program that died during the last big update in October, watched a season of Mannix from 1968, and carried on a conversation with a potential date online. Multitasking.

Today I am back to designing a tiny house on my laptop, and got my taxes filed, and so far no TV series but soon. The online date didn’t work out, I nerded her away with talk of the DC3. She was really disappointed to find out I didn’t really own a plane.

After I eat, I will continue the flight. I plan to travel around the world in real-time.  I should be in Japan later today.