I think there will be more smiles when the smoke clears.

Shaun Alexander

I can’t get any updates on the fire today from any of the three government sites. I drove into the village to pick up freight, then to town to pick up a few groceries. The smoke was tolerable until I headed back. Visibility on the highway was only about 500 feet. The cell phone camera doesn’t do well with smoke. I mean, it doesn’t capture it as it is.

I kept a mask on the entire trip, I didn’t think it was doing much till I took it off for a few seconds. After experiencing the smell and choking a bit. I put it back on.

I got the groceries and freight home, got Gracie back in her home unloaded, and went up to the least smoky room in the house.

I worked on my tiny house design for a few hours, while the solar was producing. I will have to quit soon. I will update the pics from my phone later. They really do not show how thick the smoke really is.




Looks the same as yesterday, ten kilometers from my house. 48000 Hectares in size.


These sat pics shows infra red from a few days ago and now. But the fire is still billowing smoke and they say it will for a few weeks. Really looking forward to the rain sunday that should wash away some of the smoke.


I remember the song below, it was used in a movie about firefighters called “Always”.