Nothing can be done except little by little.

Charles Baudelaire

The fires are forgotten and gone. For now.  I still see a little smoke, but it is not choking today. The pouring rains didn’t really happen as they said. I guess the weatherman’s dart board is broken.

As you can see the sunny morning didn’t show up, either high smoke or high clouds did. The gen is running again.  Some of the catboxes are done, as are a bucket of poop or two by cats that won’t use a litter box. Some floors are swept, I did as much as possible right now. After carrying the boxes, buckets, new bag of pellets, catfood and sweeping floors. My back says quit and go have a cold brew coffee and continue the massive downloads. I hope to get more work done later and I will get back to designing the tiny house today. Little by little gets it done. Maybe even finish before … you know the last breath.

End of the day now. Just finished the new Star Trek game. It’s pretty and pretty disappointing. Shootout sequences that keep you Velcroed to a wall, so you can’t aim or shoot. Frustrating.

I finished it in two afternoons, so it was way overpriced for what I got