The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.

Dante Alighieri

Happy Birthday Mike hope it’s not too warm where you are. If it is say hi to Father and give him a good punch from me.

I did my usual morning things, cats fed and watered, gen fed and started.

Big smoke again, the wildfire near me is out of control and grew by another 300 hectares. Outdoors is not an option.

I did need to do an obstruction test for my starlink. To see if my trees are in the way. I may have to buy a longer cable. Then wait more weeks for it to arrive. Not cheap either.

So Starlink sends you a shorter cable so you have to buy the longer one. It removed the ethernet port so you have to buy an adapter.

They lowered the price of the hardware, but upped the monthly fee. Lets see the hardware used to be $700. Now its $199. You don’t get an ethernet adapter thats $45. You get a shorter cable. The longer cable is $94.So doing the math. 199+94+45+60 shipping = 398. 700 -398=302. 302,÷11 price increase =  just over 2 years to recoup his loss. It’s all about profit, Elon needs the money caused the starship blew up. 

He also says Starlink is losing money. Rich people don’t lose money. They find ways to write the losses off, or sell or shutdown. I don’t see evidence of any of that.

Anyways I have had my rant, and I can’t wait for the new internet dish to appear. My network congestion or bandwitj throttling is so bad downloading updates or streaming is impossible.

OMG I just had an ad on my xbox. If it happens in game then i will switch back to PC.

Have another. Checkout the hair and bell bottoms. Yup I wore my hair long and wore those.