A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.

William Shakespeare

The line for heavier smoke is just six miles north of me. I was looking for information about the fire near me. I am not worried, just because there is a firetruck sitting with lights flashing within sight of my driveway, doesn’t mean anything does it?

I found this on Google maps. A wildfire smoke setting.  So I took a screenshot of local, Alberta and then North America.  Yet with all the information on the news and internet about PM 2.5, no one is wearing a mask except me. Oh well.

Better to look like a fool than to die as one.”

I wonder where I read that or did I just make that up on my own. What really drove the point home was I saw two doctors walking across the parking lot with no masks. It was just a short distance. I wonder how much PM 2.5 do you have to inhale before it is dangerous? Today they are in the clear zone.

I guess they missed the constant air quality warnings, the barrage of news about the dangers of breathing the stuff or even the fact they are the examples for the masses. I will try not to mention that I just talked to them about the smoke. Yup just shot myself in the foot again. I expect to lose another doctor if he reads this.

That reminds me of the doctor that was on the national news in Canada at the beginning of Covid that said masks are not neccesary. That Covid posed no chance of spreading through the air.

How did that work out?

I wore a mask since before Covid got here, and I still do. I will try not to tell the story about the welder that tried to rip off my mask at the start of Covid. I told him I him that I would take my mask off if he  didn’t wear his while he was welding. Donald Trump told him that masks were not necessary.  You know the president that told us to drink bleach to kill Covid. Love Facebook, not really.

6 miles away

Daisies are up.

The heavier smoke has passed me by, while I slept. My fire is reported as held. That means it is not getting bigger.

Under the protection pf new Bluetti my laptop pwer brick has died. Whatever happened was severe enough to cause my xbox to die. That has come back on. It might not be the new Battery box, it may be the cheapo power bar. The xbox is still on that and running. I have a 12v adapter for the laptop and that is still working.

It seems one of the AC ports on the $9.99 Home Hardware power bar fried. I plugged it into another and the lap power light came back on.