The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.

Marie Kondo

I promised myself no gaming till more work was done. Yesterday I swept the entire kitchen. The floor needs washing now.

I had swept all the floor stuff into an step down to an area I call the wheel well. It is the entrance to the garage.

Today I gathered all that into garbage bags. Now that area needs washing. Floor washing is in my future.

Next I need to do the fireroom that needs a major cleaning. After a rest. I should be taking a load of garbage bags to the dump today, but I am not.

I was hoping to clean the van interior before that. I am sure there is another couple of bags worth in there.

It is hot and muggy, inside and out. I just read a sever thunderstorm warning for this area. I looked at the storms they are huge covering most of Northern BC and Alberta.

I am not sure how much more I will achieve today. I will try. I have a head splitter going on the front right top of my skull. I also have had ear aches on that side.

I am not sure they are related to my sore tongue and throat. I hope not, that could means bad things.

I thought I better run the gen long enough to charge the Bluetti. Just the Bluetti. I am such liar mostly to myself. I fired up the Xbox and played for awhile. Then I heard big wind. Big wind + Severe thunderstorm warning=rain.

I quickly ran out and shut off the gen just as it started to rain. The air outside was humid and very cold.

The gen wasn’t wearing it’s raincoat. So it was time for it to come inside. Gaming was over for the day.