The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I know I have used that quote before.

My morning started like many others, problems to solve cats to be fed and loved. They didn’t need water thanks to the gigantic stainless steel bowl that came From Amazon.

I ran my New LIFEP04 Battery too low again. Yes, I fell asleep again. I have a bright white led voltmeter hooked up. I learned that the difference between 24v and 0v is extremely close.

I retrieved the charger and gassed up the gen. I went outside to look, dark, windy, scary but dry. I made sure the Gen top was covered in plastic. Just then, the rain poured out of the sky.

I got soaked getting it started. Ya, electricity, and water, didn’t seem like a fun idea. So I shut off the gen and plugged the power cord in. Wearing rubber gloves, I started it again. The rain had slowed down as I was closing the door.

Once I connected the charging cables, I saw a familiar response. The word off in Capitals. It meant no charging. I had an idea, I suspected that my Bluetti EB3A was back-feeding power. So I plugged in my DC input to the Bluetti, the other end was connected to my battery. For a second I had 21 volts and the charger came on, then quit. I tried it again, this time I left it plugged in for ten seconds. The charger came on and stayed on.

I already have a twenty amp charger in my Amazon shopping cart, one that can do 0v charging, which means it can fix this problem. Just waiting for payday.

I came back inside, right away, and logged in to a website that had Doppler radar for my area. The funny thing is that rain was at its end for the rest of the day. If I had waited even 5 minutes. I would have been dry. Rain is supposed to happen tonight and for the rest of the week.

I ran my charger all day and my battery is at 25.9 Volts. Most sites on the internet say that is 30 percent full. I don’t believe it, I think less. I will charge it more tomorrow. The new charger will charge it in 5 hours instead of 15. Soon I hope to have two 195w solar panels dedicated to charging that and future 24v batteries. I need another MPPT controller first. I also need to finish the new mounting system, then wire it all.