We are living on the brink of the apocalypse, but the world is asleep.

Joel C. Rosenberg

I drove into the village to check my mail. The Post Office was closed. The parts store, the hardware store, and everything else was closed. Not a car in the village. WTF was it the Apocalypse, was it Sunday or a holiday, were there any zombies wandering around?

My mail was in my post office box. I grabbed that and got back in my van. I rolled up the windows while I checked my mail. I checked the date on my phone. I thought for a second that for some reason it didn’t update. I turned the data on and checked for a holiday I wasn’t aware of.

I finally called the bank in town to see if they were open. I got a human voice, I told her the village was empty and asked if they were open. She explained that the village was on a planned power outage.

I told her I didn’t know because I am on Solar.

I drove into town and passed by where the power crews were replacing a badly leaning set of power poles. No zombies, no apocalypse. I guess I watch too many movies or play too many video games.

I spent the rest of the morning picking up groceries and supplies. The rest of the day was uneventful. Except for the giant hornet nest right above my garage doors.

It was humongous. I had a talk with them on my way back inside with Gracie. She is my van. I told them that if they leave me alone, I would leave them alone. As I closed the door, a few hundred buzzed my head but no bites or stings.

Back inside and the doors closed, I started to bring in the groceries. They are not unpacked yet. I needed to rest. I was still sore from the big fall the other day. That story is here

It is nearly time to unpack. Take care and be safe


Oh, come on, it had to be this song.