We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.
George Bernard Shaw

So far today.

Got up at 6 AM to rescue a kitten, stuck in the bathroom. Poor little critter was in there all night.

While I was up, I thought  I would feed them. Then I noticed water bowls empty. Ya, you guessed it, I went down to the van and carried a way too heavy bottle and filled the gigantic bowls and of course the kitten sized one. The big bowls must hold about 8 liters. That lasts about 4 days.

Next retrieved laundry form the back deck, it was mostly dry.

I put what gas I had nearby into the gen and hauled that outside. I had Just over 3/4 of a tank. Enough to charge my 25.6v 100ah LFP. I hoped that would do, or it meant another trip down to the garage. I had other plans. It had to do with cats and Kittens.

I saw the first stage water filter was only down a little. I thought while I was feeling energetic, I would head down to the pond to gather more water.

I had a new bucket attached to 10 feet of dog chain. I saw the old bucket and had a thought to bring it along.

It was cracked at the top, but would still hold half a bucket worth. That was all I get anyway. The dugout/pond/swamp, or what ever you want to call it, was low and dragging a bucket out always hits the side and half dumps out.

I did that twice, over filled the old bucket, threw in the new one for one more. Now I had a full leaky bucket and the new one half full. Sounds like a puzzle brewing.

I can make that clear and even drinkable.

So I poured the water, weeds and wild life into the new bucket. I had about 8 gallons of water I hauled those up.

BTW, That is what clear blue sky looks like in heavy smoke. Not blue at all.

Time to start the gen. Did I mention we were under another heavy smoke alert? I was starting to feel it in my lungs.

The reason I am writing now? So I can rest, of course. While I was typing, I had to cough up a lot of stuff. None of it bloody, but pretty sure it was from the smoke.

I filled the stage one water filter system. I noticed no dragonfly nymphs. Another sign fall was here. They must be transforming and gaining their wings. By tomorrow, I might have enough clear water to do more laundry.

Yes, I am stalling again soon, time to do litter boxes. I decided to rest a bit more.  I needed more coffee. Today was instant, yuck.  I am a little tired. I was up at 6 it is almost 11:30 AM.

Stuff I want and hope to accomplish today, clean my bedroom, clean the bathroom, empty litter boxes outside (wearing a mask this time). Sweep the floors. OMG!!! I am tired just thinking about it.

I must be the smoke, that was making me tired. Ya that’s it. Except I am just sitting here drinking coffee. It is sad getting old sometimes.

I did a thing that will hurt me in the future. I emptied the two litter boxes and every loose poo I could find and emptied those into a giant litter box. That would hurt me later when I try to lift it.  Oh well, deal with the evils of the day.

The Xbox is on, I need to relax for a bit.

Bad Aliens look out. Looking forward to Starfield. Yes, I fell for all the hype. Enjoy some below.

Old or not, I can still kill space pirates.  Soon

A trailer from a year ago. They are a year late getting this game done. Blame COVID and those that released it. Oh and BTW it’s back.