Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.

W. H. Auden

Nothing exciting this morning. Cats fed and watered, I went out the back door to take a few pics.

The output water from the stage 1 filters was fulland  was  carried up and poured into the stage 2 filters. Those are the super expensive Berkey filters. I added a little peroxide for safety.

That water will be drinkable in a few days. I should been doing this all summer and storing the water but didn’t.

I still have some time before the deep freeze.  I will see if I can store away a few gallons.  I just had a design vision. That requires 30 feet of clear tubing, my rv water tank and a spigot. A way to get water to downstairs. Oh yea winter is coming. My design bubble just burst with a vision of frozen water lines.

If the solar panels produce a little more today, I will play some Starfield. I really want to try building an outpost. I hear it generates xp, short for experience points, is how you level up. When you level up you can put your point in a research category , weapon design, starship design, outpost buildin and a more lots more. Over three hundred categories and ranks. The more skill points you earn the easier life in the stars gets.

As you gain levels the harder it is to get more levels. It gets to be a slog. I learned about the glitches that allow you to get free stuff  an xp but I don’t like using those if I can avoid it.

Anyways enough rambling for this Morning. Take care and be safe.

I decided, to at least hang the solar panels. They are not tied down to the pole yet. The two older panels are just leaning for now.
I was making 96 watts of power as the sun was setting. 3.5 Amps.

I wanted to do more but I am severely winded.  My body was hurting, from hanging the panels and getting them out there. I had to come in. It was time for the evening feeding of the cats. Thank God, I was in pain and ready to collapse. The bad part I would have dissassemble and bring everything inside when the other panels arrive. Then do it all again four times.