I’d rather be optimistic and wrong than pessimistic and right.

Elon Musk

The ugly picture is the end result of a contrast dye injection for a CT scan that was done yesterday.

The CT scan consumed all of my energy, and caused a lot of pain. Walking through Walmart  after the two hour ordeal was excruiating. Auntil I saw how low the prices were on items that were a staple for me.

Then I tried to lift the two giant bags I bought for the groceries. In my mind I am still 20, my body is at least a hundred with all the past injuries, and issues.

It is the next day, I pulled my bandage to find all the wierd bruising. The four red bumps were a 1/4″ high when I pulled the 3/4″ bandage off.

I was concerned enough to call my pharmacist. He was gone so I talked to Kate who was nice enough to have a look. She was the pharmacist on duty at the time of my call. I was concerned that the bumps may have been bloodcots.

I already experienced muliple TIA. Those were not enjoyable experiences. Especially at the hospitals.

On one such occasion a doctor in Peace River decided I was drunk and gave me a sobriety test and sent me on my way. After making some nasty comment about me being used to getting sobriety tests. I guess everyone that wears a leather jacket is an alcololic, or perhaps he didn’t like my skin color. I read about a doctor on the news doing the same thing to a first nations patient.  I wonder if it was the same doctor?

On another occasion a triage nurse at Grande prairie thought the same thing and treated me like human garbage. She actually cut off the circulation in my arm with the blood pressure cuff till  my arm was deep red. When I tried to remove it she actually slapped my hand. During the TIA i was unable to defend myself. I left the hospital and drove home that was Grande Prairie. Not my first problem there.

So you know I have been clean and sober since Sep 18 1981.

During my first episode while shopping at IKEA, I drove myself to Grey Nuns, where a senile doctor was convinced I had a heart attack. I should have asked him some hard questions  like his name, or what day of the weel it was or maybe got him to draw a clock for me.

After waiting 12 hours in there with my three small children I left and drove the remaining 6 hours to home. The next day after some internet research I learned what happened.

I went up to see my regular doctor and he confirmed that I had a TIA. Sorry that  good doctor as well as many others here have left.

Someday an investigation needs to be done as to why that happens here, too, too often.

Recently another doctor left because of the way he was treated, it is rumoured. He was another good one. My only link to healthcare now is my pharmacist. Thank God he is there. Oh and Kate too.

Bondtober continues with Thunderball which is the same story as Never Say Never.