Silence is golden when you can’t think of a good answer.

Muhammad Ali

It is Thanksgiving morning here, 9 AM. Just having a cold brew coffee. Soon I will be trading that for hot. Colder days and nights are coming, along with snowfall. So today I am thankful that winter has not arrived yet. My heater is here, I am still waiting for a few necessary accessories to arrive. A better air filter, longer exhaust. I have yet to decide where to mount it. I also have woodstove repairs to do. That involves getting on the roof to undo some bolts. I would rather do that before more Ice arrives.

It is time to feed the animals. Animals fed. I promised to do some work today before gaming. I didn’t. I will do some after a bit. I am tuckered out, and I want see how my ship re-designed flies. Starfield was played. I am about to open my Thanksgiving dinner. I haven’t decided which can yet.Bondtober continues. Tonight’s feature is “The man with a Golden Gun”.

Spending the night comforting my best friend, she has been with me for a very long time. I think she might pass. I am not sure how long we have been together, maybe 15 years, maybe more. She can’t walk and is decimated.  I am laying with her now. She is my cat, Deakes. We are watching Bond movies. We just watched a second one ” The spy who loved me” Most likely we will watch another?

4AM the next day watched another. My dying friend is hanging in. I don’t know how, she lost the use of one of her back legs now.