I have written about the terrible things that happened on Friday the 13th when I was a small boy many times. If you are interested to find them in the other Friday the 13th posts. They say it was the day that many Knights Templar met their fate due to a jealous religion. They say many things. I am not superstitious, but this is the day I do not attempt any projects, I don’t drive or go out. I couldn’t go far anyway, I am still taking care of a dying cat. Her back legs are paralyzed now. She has to be lifted into her litter box and sometimes can’t control her peeing. I have her on some old sheets on the bed.I see a big laundry day coming. On the positive news side, one of my missing orange cats came back, after being away for a few days. Skinny but happy to be home. Yes, I made sure he got a can of wet food to himself. I guess good things can happen if you give the day some respect.I didn’t that day when I was young. I even ridiculed a fiend for believing is such nonsense.

He witnessed the hornet stings, and was there when a concrete culvert rolled down a sandy hill, almost killing me. I did end up with a good scar. There as also a death that day of a loved cairn terrier. After I mentioned that it would be the worst thing that could happen that day and it did.Today I took care of my friend best I could, played a little Starfield and relaxed. Kidney pain is not good today. It got a lot worse after the contrast dye I had last week. Or was that the week before. 10 days ago. I went out to snap a few pics all my leaves are down. Snow could arrive anytime now.


Bondtober continues.