I’m a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful of clouds.

Mike Tyson

I just finished a my first run through of Starfield. It was quite the experience.

Earlier I went to the village to pick up water and a few supplies. I needed to install my new heater. The snow was only days away. Some parts from China have not arrived. My dying cat is hanging in, she is a paraplegic now, back legs do not work and looks like she is losing eyesight in one eye. I will continue to care for her. I do not want to take her to be put to sleep unless I clearly see she is in pain. I will not allow her to suffer. So far it doesn’t seem so. I do need to carry her to the floor, and she drags herself to the litter box and water. It is only 3 feet. When she is done I lift her back onto the bed and cover her in an old sheet then blankets. The sheet is really a diaper. Her voice is also gone, so she can not communicate that she needs help when I sleep. When I am awake no problem I can see her struggling to get up, then I help her. I will be washing a lot of blankets this week. They needed doing for winter anyways.

I started a new Starfield game but declined the NG+ version after seeing it. The last game took me 240 hours with side quests. I cringed at the $94 price tag at first but see it was worth it. I usually judge a game by the hour, a dollar an hour. If it exceeds that, and I enjoy it, then it was worth the money. What wasn’t worth it was the hassle with using a visa debit card to pay for it on the Microsoft store. I tried 3 times to have the transaction removed. The unsolved transaction would not let me install a copy I bought from Best Buy.

I had to create a new gamertag and email and install the game so that I could play it under my original Gamertag. What a fucking nightmare. I preordered the game in July and didn’t find out till Sep 5 there was a problem. The day of the release. Anyways it got done I played.

Another night of Bondtober.