I carried the heater, instructions, bags of parts, hoses and more into my woodwork shop. Yes, of course the cats were all fed and watered first. Even my dying cat received food and a bathroom break. Although I am sure there will be a wet spot on the sheets she lies on. The exertion of it all caused some mild chest pains. I am back in my bed for now, typing this. I couldn’t sleep last night, so I played and played till 6:30 AM. I slept till 9:30AM. Not very much. I drained my solar battery bank down to ten percent. The sun although weak today is recharging that at 5 Amps. I need a lot more. At sometime today, a generator will be involved. Rain is forecast for later. Long before that, I need to change litter boxes, heavy ones. Cleaning up catfood cans will get done today. The kittens do not like giving those up until they are shiny inside.

I bought lots of the canned food to help the sick cats. I have three that survived my water being poisoned. I survived too, but I am having a problem with my kidneys. The contrast dye that was used two weeks made it much worse. A few years ago, the rainwater tank outside was poisoned. All the houseplants in the house died in one day. Within in a week, 9 cats died. Within two weeks, 4 more died, mostly kittens.

Slowly over the years more died all the same way they got really skinny then passed. The latest victims are Deakes, the cat I have been talking about, back legs paralyzed and a skeleton that can barely drag herself 3 feet. Next after that is Deeburs. Deakes kid. She is getting skinny. I expect in a week she will suffer the same fate as her mom. The cats born after the poisoning all healthy and fine.

Who would poison the water? Two people I know, a male and a female. One a sociopath, the other a narcissistic psychopath. Once I was married to, the other was the gigolo that used to live next door. I imagine his girlfriend figured out what he was and got rid of him. He likes to spin the tires in the gravel in front of my house to remind me he is still in the area. I heard that happens when he is drunk. I never hear him, my hearing is gone, too many years on The Harley with no ear plugs. I recently discovered headphones, for TV and gaming. Some sounds I haven’t heard for years. I feel pity for both of them, their behaviors define who they are and what they are and both incapable of empathy, feeling, love. No sense of wrong or right, no conscience. That must be a very empty life. Always pretending, always living in fear that someone will see them as they really are. Karma doesn’t care, it will eventually catch them. I know that is not just wishful thinking, I have seen Karma in action. You will find it talked about in all the religions. Some call it by other names, but it is the same thing.

I gotta go it is time for breakfast, then time to start