Space is an inspirational concept that allows you to dream big.

Peter Diamandis

Already November. Another snowstorm forecast for Saturday this one more significant. 15 to 20 CM.

It’s morning here cats are fed, water on the boil for coffee. I feel exhausted, but I know there is some work to do. There is always work to do. I have a hard time keeping up.

I haven’t decided what will get done but something will. Kidney pain is significant today. I do not expect anything large will get done, but small things might.

The sun is poking its head out enough for me to make a little power. Not enough to fill batteries or devices. Most likely I will have to start the Gen.

Soon the second LFP will arrive then I will have twice the power to use and twice to fill up.

Oh water is boiled gotta go pour it over ground coffee, maybe even have some breakfast.

Note to older future self. Have your morning pee before listening to coffee slowly drip through the Melita.

In seconds, the legendary first sip. That was worth carrying a full bag of cat food from the van.  Was it worth carefully walking through hungry kittens to feed them. Always.

I haven’t carried the big jug of water up to refill cat bowls almost empty. I haven’t carried gasoline up to the gen. I am only making 1.44 Amps of power from solar. It must be cloudy. I expect that to be the state of the weather for the next few days. Especially through the snowstorm on Saturday.

My battery is somewhere between Calgary and here. I am hoping the power situation will be better, after I get more solar and maybe, maybe even wind power up.

I moved a heavy water bottle from the van, gassed up and started the gen and did my video game penance.

In my bathroom, I thought it was cute the little kittens that visited while I sat on the throne. It was a ruse. Big cats were sneaking in too, and leaving terrible things behind.

I am a composter so other smells in the same room can escape me. I cleaned all that, then emptied my poo pot outside in the compost pile. As you will I even stopped for a few pictures.

By the time I was reunited with my coffee still hot, thank you Amazon for selling a great coffee cup. I was soaked in sweat again. Which is crazy, I am sure it’s only 12 inside and colder outside.

I am going back into Starfield.


My latest ship before paint.