No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

Dark outside. The snow clouds are thick. The furry things are fed. Even the outside feral cat who survives the coldest winters got a pile of food. I suspect there is still a feral cat in my garage. I thought I may have heard it this morning while I was retrieving 16 kg of cat food from the van.

While I was out there, I did snap a few pics of my driveway. It may be the last of seeing it not covered in snow till May.

I had some wood out there. I have some hope I can retrieve some before the snow. If my winter coveralls were dry, if my back holds out  if my chest pains slow down, if my back pains lessen.

Wow, I got discouraged typing that.  Water for coffee is on the boil. Make that boiled, not really, but very hot. I am going to pour that over  grounds,  stir in powdered whole milk and enjoy that earned first cup of the day.

I did look on Amazon for a stand for my drip coffee, they were all horribly expensive for what they were. So I do need to spend time in my shop with a  hole saw and make one.

After breakfast and vitamins, with coffee. Then I needed to get some work done. If nothing else, run the gen and top off my battery before the storm.

With snow blowing around in high winds, there was no way my one-year-old temporary shelter would protect the gen.

Whatever I was going to do outside, it is too late. The snow has started. I ran up and started the gen. I didn’t even fill it. I had 3/4 of a tank, it had to do. The wind would start soon. I think it will be enough to charge the battery. Sure could have used the second battery which has now arrived in GP. It will arrive here on Monday.

The big snowstorm so far a thankful disappointment. It appears to be rain and snow mix. Maybe it will be better overnight. The battery is fully charged, the gen back inside. I am going to fire up the laptop after it charges a bit. Now is lunchtime.

The original from 1946.


I just edited just about a months worth of posts. My laptop is the only succrsful way to do that. It is the only place Grammerly works properly on Linux. It sure don’t work well on Android.