The measure of a man is what he does with power.


Today is different, I actually feel worse than normal. Cats are fed. Coffee is in the cup. I am back in bed.

I need to charge both batteries to full at the same time to check my monitor. If the charger shuts off when it reaches 200 Amp hours or days a 100 percent, all is good.

I think I may have removed the settings I added yesterday. I need to reset that when the batteries are at full charge.

The time it takes to top them up will also be an indicator of how my system will work this winter. My charger is a 20 Amp which they recomend for one battery. I may have to buy a bigger charger to do two.

I am sure I will mention that in a future post. Right now the meter says 197.3 AH. At 10:25 AM.