Days away from the cold now. Diesel heater no closer to being installed. Chimney not repaired. No panic yet but coming.

Friday the temp will be plus six. A late trip up to the roof might be possible. Maybe even the last of the wood could be gathered in the driveway. I doubt it, breathing has become more difficult.

I will continue to do what I can do. The neccesities. Cats fed and watered, coffee made, breakfast. The generator if needed. Today again it had to be run, I turned off the light on the battery monitor. It was when I tried to turn the light on again that I learned that that the button sequence is almost identical to the buttons you push to reset the meter to zero.

So today the gen is running. When the batteries are completly full I will reset it once again. Then I will leave it alone bright lights or not.

Coffee is ready my barefoot are cold so I am off to have breakfast.