Same old. Cats fed and watered. Water for coffee is on the boil. Dry cough is getting worse. I speak out loud in frog fashion.

Last night I saw what my cats did to my plant room. Every pot emptied on the floor.

Today I will try to get the hardware cloth I bought weeks ago up. At least temporarily.

I need to vacuum all the potting soil up. I hope to reuse that. Any ways the steel mesh is up here. I just have to move it to the plant room.

I need to find the plastic clips I bought to secure the mesh. I am sure I put them in a safe place. Ugg!

Coffee is made time for me to make breakfast. Lunch now I am binge wathinh NCIS from season One.

I have work that needs doing. I am determined to get the cat barrier up but a lot of cleanup needs to be done.

The amount of work that needs to be done paralyzes me sometimes. I need to find a way through.