All those vitamins aren’t to keep death at bay, they’re to keep deterioration at bay.

Jeanne Moreau

Yesterday I had blond poops. At 2 AM urgent explosive blond diareaha. Eight fifty seven more blond wet crap came out of my ass. I hope that is the last time for today.

After doing some research on the internet, the diagnosis was a bacterial, viral, or magnesium overdose. Causing problems in my liver.

A couple of days ago while I was filling my vitamin dispenser, with the days of the week printed on them. I had a couple extra magnesium gummies left over. I ate them. Then there was the toxic sugared evap milk I had yesterday. It may have been the hummus and corn chips.

After that I ate a large block of cheese, which I read is high in magnesium. I also read that magnesium is not good for people with bad kidneys.

On the way to fill and start the gen, I pass by a litterbox, I noticed that at least one cat had diarrea. I gave them the toxic sugared evap milk.  It could be that simple, but I only saw one.

I will know better tommorrow. Either way I am going to skip the magnesium gummies, for the next twenty years.

Coffee is made this time with plain old evaporated milk.  I will be relaxing the rest of the day. Doing morning chores was ten times as hard today, which was already ten times as harder than in 2010.

I just aministered my home remedy for the blond trots, yogurt and raw honey. Yes I ate that.
