Forgive those who have hurt you.

Les Brown

Outside feral cats fed, indoor cats fed and watered. Water for coffee on the boil.

These are my morning tasks, every morning. I did take time to pet cats and have my morning BM, which is slightly darker and slightly drier than the problems I had yesterday. My poop color usually brown, but can range from blond and greasy to black.

Coffee is made, I haven’t reached the pinancle of my morning, the first sip. I need my vitamins, and breakfast first. Yogurt and raw honey still on the menu. Maybe with a banana and some flax cereal.

This all might seem boring to you, but it is my life. I know my health is getting worse and time might be limited.

I have a mass on my thyroid, one in my lung, another in a testicle, signs of liver disease,  something growing on my kidney, pain in my left abdomen near the kidney, and ascites. I am convinced that the CT scans can not see through the ascites. I have chest pains on my left side, pains in my left arm and right shoulder. Muscle weakness, i get dizzy and sleepy after eating anything. Oh and an enlarged prostate. I have been diagnosed with esophageal ulcers. I was supposed to have a biopsy done on my thyroid, but an idiot kept trying to book the biopsy before the ultrasound to help locate the needle.

That same idiot phoned me and told me that I was not important and that my biopsy was cancelled due to covid and that I would be called to rebook. Which of course never happened.

Physical injuries, right ankle damaged in car accident. I was hit by a drunk driver Aug 1981. My right knee joint was severed and smashed and required 16 hours of surgery to rebuild by a great surgeon.

It took me four years to walk and the same before I could ride my Harley again. Countless hours of pain and physio without pain killers.

2014 broken neck and back during another car accident I was tboned. A bad surgeon did an ACDF but ignored my broken back.

That still cause pain today

Besides that I am fine and in relativly good spirits. Although the difficulty breathing from asbestos and the headaches from previous TIA’s can cause me to not be able to do simple tasks.