I won’t be a rock star. I will be a legend.

Freddie Mercury

Another snowy day at the ranch. The herds are fed and watered. Coffee is on the boil.

Besides that my day is not planned. I was going to cut up wood, I decided to do that when I needed it. That was coming soon.

Dec 18 by some weather sites, later by others. We did get some snow. The solar panels got a coating.

Since there wasn’t much sun yet and the air was to get warmer. I decided to leave them to the sun.

There was some work that needed doing out there. Four solar panels needed attention. Two needed moving all before the big deep freeze that would stay till end of May.

There was also a Chimney to fix, the fresh snow put an end to that. Then there was the ice predicted to fall tonight.

My survival had become a day to day thing. I guess as it should be.

Thank you Myles