Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

Winston Churchill

Another unremarkable day. It’s cold, gen fueled up and started, cats fed and watered, water for coffee on the boil.

There was a lot more to all that then I admit. I am soaked in sweat. Quite a feat since it is 3 degrees inside. I need a fire too, and will get to that after coffee. My body told me to quit working and that I had already over done things.

I keep forgetting I am not 20, but my body reminds me, and quite often.

Little by little I got through the day. I even got to kill a few criminals in ME2. The gen finished charging the solar bank. Cats were fed and watered again. A fire was lit. Now I deciding on what to have for supper.

Yup the smoke alarm works. I didn’t finish repairing the chimney. The new pipe slipped down a bit. The smoke was minor but I will need to finish the repair before the next fire.