Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin

Repetition, it is the only answer as you age. Doing the same things, the same way. It overides any attempt at nuerons failing. So far.

Cats are fed and watered, water for coffee is on the boil. ⁰i know way back when I mention ome young ladies method of remembering things.

She would write down thinhs on post it notes. Back then I thought thats smart, until I asked her what she did next. She told that she put them im a drawer in her desk and forgot about the notes. I threw my hands in the air.

I tried notebooks, white boards and a lot of other methods. I tried reminders on my smartphone, which are easy to ignore BTW.

So now my life is a mystery novel to be solved. Cats meow they need feeding, although that one I remember, water for coffee is boiling so filling a filter with ground coffee is next, followed by all the rest. Pour water, add cream,  put on the lid on my coffee cup. Then drink it.

The gen, check gas, check oil, add if needed, move the choke lever, turn on the switch, put it, outside pull the rope, check the weather, add plastic cover if needed, plugin the power cord.

For me it is all about repitition. I am great at doing what is in front of me, driving no problem, grocery shopping, no problem.

Remembering tasks that need doing long term, like remebering to fill my new power bank with Lithium batteries. I keep forgetting that  although that may just be physcological, since I know those batteries are not safe.

Do I think I have early onset? Nope. If I were a computer,  my hard drive is getting smaller coz it’s too full.

What was I saying? Kidding. My coffee is ready, I am onto vitamins, coffee and breakfast.