Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.

Benjamin Franklin

Taking a break, cats fed & watered, fuel for the gen poured in the machine , oil added, big honkin litter box dragged up to the back door.  That is as far as I got.

Sitting in my woodwork shop, huffing and puffing. The litter box beside me. In a few minutes it will be dragged outside. Just waiting for my heart to stop pounding and my breath to catchup.

After that, start the gen, refill the box, make coffee. If I survive.

The gen needs running today, tommorrow a blizzard, or at least blowing snow.

Gotta go. Breath caught up. One big litter box done. I thought I would be smart and empty two smaller oones into the big one.

Ya not so smart, the two smaller ones filled the big one. So tomorrow, I will be moving a bigger one again.

The two littler ones are refilled with fresh litter, the big one got a top coat of fresh litter. I am boiling water for coffee. Vitamins, breakfast after that.

Man, my body is broken, everything hurts. I will need to be horizontal for a few hours. I am pretty sure I just finished a round with Covid. Suddenly my sense of smell worked yesterday and the day before.

I didn’t enjoy that, and that is the reason my litter boxes are getting done. They would have been done anyways. The sense of smell returning made it more urgent.