The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.

Leo Tolstoy

The snow fell overnight, not as much as advertised. That’s good. I still have to drive into town. Only problem is now freezing rain is predicted. I think I will just let the weather sort itself out.

As always cats are fed and watered, even the outside feral cats. Pictures were taken.

I went out on the back deck swept a little snow away. I had to be out to empty a couple of jugs. I am a composter, so the yellow stuff goes in jugs then emptied on weedy patches. Kills the weeds and fertlizes the garden. Google it.

Coffee is made, 2 of 3 jugs made it outside. I am just relaxing now about to have that first sip. It may not be nirvana, but it’s close.

The rest of my day after coffee, making the bed maybe do some wiring that needs doing. Might even play a little Andromeda. I am going to try remote play from my xbox to the tablet.

It won’t be as fun as playing on a 4k monitor, but I was curious about the power savings. I don’t thinkit will be significant. When using remote play I need to have my starlink on which consumes as much as the monitor.

When I play on the monitor, after logging into the xbox I can shut off the internet.

The real question will be to see how much power will be saved at my xbox.