The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Cats fed, but no water. So next I get the giant bowl, get fresh snow off the back deck, gas up the gen. Clean the dust off the electric induction burner, melt snow. No problem.

The giant bowl, on the little burner didnt work out. It did manage to create a cave inside the snow that triggered the auto shutoff on the little stove.

Next onto the woodstove, on the way doled out some snow to thirsty cats. They liked that. I started the fire with the remainder of the snow on top of the woodstove.  I went to my coffee station and realized I forgot my USB powered light down stairs. No light no coffee.

I needed a rest break first, so I type. I could have went to the village to pickup more water. I didn’t go because it was raining.

Rain falling on frozen roadways and driveway with snow equaled disaster. Tomorrow might be worse. I may have to brave the highways during the christmas rush. That wouldn’t be fun.

I had to leave the problem with a greater power than me.

I made the trip down. I had a look at the fire. It did not burn hot enough. The cats found thier wat into the giant bowl. They managed to scoop out most of the contents on the floor. I added more wood more card board and walked away.

This was a battle I wouldn’t win
So on to coffee. I thought there might be enough water left in the thermos for coffee. Only half a cup left in there. I spied a partial bottle of flat club soda. Would that work? I will let you know.

Ya I know it’s December.