Time moves in one direction, memory in another.

William Gibson


Cats were fed. Water is on the boil. I decided to rocord the steps to make coffee for the future day I would forget.

  1.  Carrie the coffee cup over from the cup holder.
  2. Fill the kettle.
  3. Hookup the propane.
  4. Start the stove
  5. Place the kettle on.
  6. Grab a bamboo filter
  7. Measure coffee
  8. Put it in the filter in the cone.
  9. Write something in here
  10. Wait for the kettle to steam.
  11. If the flame goes out before boiled. Hookup a new bottle of propane.
  12. Shutoff the propane.
  13. Disconnect the propane
  14. Wrap a cloth around the kettle handle.
  15. Pour the hot water through the filter above the cup.
  16. Add powdered whole milk. You like 2 heaping table spoons.
  17. Stir, fast
  18. Put on the lid on the coffee cup.
  19. Put the extra hotwater in the thermos.
  20. Drink slowly.
  21. Have vitamins.
  22. Make cereal or oats.
  23.  Eat and Relax 

That is of course after feeding cats and my regular as clockwork BM. Why did I write this? Because I still can.