You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I’m not hungry enough to eat six.

Yogi Berra


It is 10 AM. The second day of the deep freeze. It is only -25 outside. Tomorrow will be much worse.

Cats are fed, snow has been gatthered in the melting bowl. The fire has been started, the frying pan is on the woodstove heating up.

I bought two pizzas. Both of them have been waiting in the wood work shop where it is minus 15.

I will run the gen again today, tomorrow it will be too cold. Yes I will beprogressing through my clean new game on Starfield.

I have one of my favorite weapons. So doing all the missions will be easier.

Pizza will be delayed, my olive oil is solid.i optedto reach for the coconut oil wid a wider top, so I could at least dig out some cooking oil.

After cleaning the frying pan with some scott paper towels, I think I am ready to cook.

More delays, put a frozen pizza in a frozen woodwork shop it stays frozen. Usually I thaw the Pizza first then cook it. I forgot it has been since last winter.

I have already seen the future, crust burned, middle still frozen. Oh well it will still get eaten, by me or cats.

I also forgot the extra shredded cheese for the top. I won’t be traveling soon. The grader operator is doing his thing again. Not doing my driveway.

It is later in the day hundreds of criminals ended. I am making my morning coffee. It is almost 6 PM.

The extreme cold warning is here. Minus 40 or worse.