Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow.

Langston Hughes

It is a little cool inside. Colder outside.

    • Workshop -25
    • Fireroom -10
    • Bedroom -2
    • LiFePo4 Batteries -4
    • Outside -38 Feels like -45 or colder to me

Cats are fed, snow gathered  wood scavenged, fire started, hands frozen. Solar is producing 10.3 AMPS enough to play XB for awhile. Way too cold for a generator. I have two more days of extreme cold left maybe more.

My batteries are at 50% so I will let them charge instead. Of they reach 75% I might play for a bit.

I gotta warm my hands and check the fire. I will write more later.

Color me surprised it got colder as the day wears on, instead of warmer. Cats snow water now melted and warm distributed to thirsty cats. More firewood was scavenged from inside the garage then hand sawn into woodstove sized pieces.

All the kicked over wood pellets and destroyed cardboard in the fireroom and thrown over the hot coals. Cats love to destroy cardboard boxes. I give them new ones as needed.

I am on another rest break, my back is hurting. I need to gather more snow for melt.

I noticed that my Starlink had a one inch coating of ice and snow. I used the app and turned on the snow melter. After an hour there was no change. Since my internet was working ok, I turned off the heating element.

It was too cold to melt.