A sore ankle, a swollen knee or a bruise makes you feel alive.

Gianluca Vialli


I did what needed doing, not the things I would rather be doing. By the time I take care of the needs, I am too tired, or out of breath, or in too much pain to continue. Such is my life.

Cats were fed, watered and petted. Litter boxes filled with fresh wood pellets. Water bowls got water. Today was day two so the gen was started. It was sunny and clear out. I recently learned that running the gen on a short sunny day used a lot less gasoline. Which is good coz I needed to haul up another 5 gallons. The gen had only 3/4 in the tank. I had hoped enough.

That would have to do, my ankle had given out. A drunk driver destroyed that in 1986. I chose not to have it fused back then. My right knee was destroyed in that same accident. I figured getting through that was enough.

Sixteen hours of surgery later and years of physio I was able to walk again. The surgeon said I would never be able too again.

I Am getting hungry take care and be safe.