“to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.”

From Moby dick

Winter was making a desperate attempt at hanging on. Extreme Cold warnings for the last two nights. I needed to get to the village and town. We had run out of catfood and water this morning.

Gracie and I got started. Garage doors opened, some of the tires filled with air. Catfood was picked up and loaded at the village.

I went to town, did groceries banking, pharmacy. I loaded 3 big bottles of water, 3 double big boxes of catfood, 2 boxes of groceries, including 5 liters of oatmilk, 3 4 liter bottles of water, all into the van.

I drove over to my fast food place and prdered coffee and hash browns. Since I was going off the gluten, no meat free burgers.

Then I drove home, as I was passing by the village, already in pain. I thought I better pick up propane for the cook stove. I could hardly walk.

I got that done, gave Gracie a drink of gas. Ten minutes later, I backed her into the garage. I saw my permanent feral cat, named big cat. He had not shown up for a few weeks. I gave him a can of catfood, then started to unload, water for cats first. They got a 4 liter bottle of water right aways. Then I broke open a box and retrieved an 8 kg bag of Friskies.

It was late enough in the day to feed them, plus I was worried if I layed down I might not get up again today.

I am resting in Gracie  writing this. Groceries still needed to go up stairs. Big water bottles needed to come in. I froze 3 already this month, thawing them out wasn’t that much fun. A lot of boiled kettles poured to make that happen.

I will resume my work soon Gracies driver seat was comfortable and gave me some relief from the pain.

Three big bottles of water up on a counter, they will have to go up tommorrow. Boxes of groceries up, but not unpacked. That would have to happen later. I was in the bed sipping on cold coffee in a very cold room. It was -1. I was in too much pain and too fatigued to do amy more.

I still needed to get the groceries off the floor if it was -1 @ eye level it was even colder on the floor. I would need another hour or so of rest before I could move those.

Thats it I am done rambling. Take care and be safe.

I have used this song on this blog many times because it fits.