Category: Uncategorized

Mar 24 Sunday

Cats were fed and watered, twice. It was my way of giving them a treat. The rest of the chores were done except litter boxes. I was waiting for a warmer day. Today is chop the beard day. So far just scissored it down to a managel length. Tommorrow the beard trimmer. My face already…

Mar 21 Winter Time Again

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. Bertrand Russell Fresh snow covers the driveway, -9 outside. Tonight and tomorrow night -12. One day it will end. I took a quick pic but the camera was on video instead. I will try again later. Cats are fed and watered. I am working on the…

St.Patrick’s Day 2024

HSP DAY. I just fed the cats, gave them the water I had left. Gathered a big bowl of snow for melt. Not much out there, but don’t woory more is coming after the plus twenty today, more winter is coming. Snow and cold to arrive later this week. A 30 degree celius drop by…

Mar 10 Da Da Da

Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. Napoleon Bonaparte This morning while working on my chores an earworm got stuck in my head. Song below. Three bags of garbage picked up 30 to go. I made the mistake of leaving full garbage bags within reach of cats. They were…

Mar 10 Less & Less

There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. Nelson Mandela Everyday less gets done here because I am becoming less and less. My health is declining. The cats are getting fed and watered twice a day. Yesterday…

Mar 6 Winters Pain

“to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.” From Moby dick Winter was making a desperate attempt at hanging on. Extreme Cold warnings for the last two nights. I needed to get to the village and town. We had…

Mar 2 Fookin Cold

Climate change is not the fault of man. It’s Mother Nature’s way. And sucking greenhouse gases from the atmosphere is too limited a solution. We have to be prepared for fire or ice, for fry or freeze. We have to be prepared for change. Howard Bloom As always, like my adversary the Hunter on Starfield…

Feb 26 The Only Easy Day

HBO Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Lao Tzu I know too much NCIS and you start quoting Sam Hanna words, even if they are true. Their origins are US MARINE. I…

Feb 24 50 Scream Day

Why 50? I went to town. I lugged 3 40 pound bottles of water to Gracie then inside. I bought groceries, some pharmacy stuff, (tuna, cheese, what its cheaper there) and fuel. Then brought those inside. I screamed constantly with every movement. The bottles still need carrying upstairs they are above the freezing level for…

Feb 20 Cats in Space

It is a bad health day. Breathing is hard, fatigue extreme. Yet cats were fed and eatered, coffee was made. I decicded to not feed the outside cat anymore. I reached out my hand yesterday and it attacked me. Now I understand the words. “Dom’t bite the hand that feeds you.” I had a cat…